Cookies and Privacy Policy

Please find the cookies and privacy policy below for customers and partners.

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

As part of the daily work at CUBIC the company deals with a number of personal data on visitors at our website, and on all our customers and partners. CUBIC pays great attention to treating all personal data confidentially and safely. In the present policy you can read more about how CUBIC handles personal data on our customers, partners, and others.

Compilation and handling of personal data are always undertaken in accordance with the valid general data protection regulation, and the company merely treats personal data, if there is a need for it. Furthermore, CUBIC is most aware that the company may only handle the personal data necessary to achieve the purpose, and the data may only be passed on to a third party, if there is a distinct and impartial foundation.

1.1 Data responsible

CUBIC is considered to be data responsible for the personal data gathered on customers, partners, and others. Below you will find all relevant contact details:

Name:                             CUBIC-Modulsystem A/S

Address:                         Skjoldborgsgade 21, DK-9700 Brønderslev

VAT No.:                         57 81 77 12


2. Handling of personal data and the relevant purpose

2.1 Visits on our website

You have access to our website via your PC, telephone, tablet or any other unit. The company applies cookies on the website to get information on your behaviour, and your use of the website. Here we refer to the cookie policy, which you are asked to accept, when you visit our website. The cookie policy includes a further description of the terms for procuring, keeping, transmitting and deleting the above information.

It is possible to delete or block the cookies. In our cookie policy you may read all about this. If you block for cookies, you may, however, risk that you will not have full access to all content, or that the website does not work properly.

When you visit our website, the below information is gathered: A unique ID and technical information on your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, your geographic location, your age group, and the pages you visit (interests). Our company may not identify you from the above, and the information is merely applied to optimise the use of our website.

To the extent that you provide your explicit consent, and enter the information yourself, we furthermore handle your personal data in the form of name, telephone number, country, email and address. Typically, it will be related to a set-up of a login on our website, and by signing up for our training programme or newsletter. In that case we correlate the information with the above details on your behavior on our website. The purpose is to optimise our website and marketing, and show relevant content on our website, and in the media where we market ourselves the next time you visit one of these pages. By correlating the data we ensure that you are solely shown relevant data from us on our website, or on other sites or platforms.

2.2 Receipt of inquiries

When you make an inquiry to us by mail, via our website (contact form) or social media, we handle the personal data included. As mentioned above, you will be asked to give your name, email, phone number, workplace if any, and the purpose of your inquiry. We collect the information in order to handle your inquiry.

If you take contact through LinkedIn, we will receive certain information on you from LinkedIn in the form of e.g. your name and a picture. The information received, however, depends on your private settings on LinkedIn.

When you contact us by telephone, if relevant – we will take note of your name and the purpose of the inquiry.  Thus it will be possible for us to follow up, and to document the requests received from our customers. Therefore, you should be aware that in some cases we enter the relevant conditions given over the telephone into our system.

2.3 Signing up for newsletters

You may sign up for newsletters on our website, lead ad form on social medias like Facebook or LinkedIn, or by taking contact. When you sign up for a newsletter, we collect your personal data in the form of name and email address. The personal data will be deleted again, if you withdraw your consent to receive newsletters. Please take contact by email or telephone to unsubscribe. You can always unsubscribe from a link in our newsletter.

2.4 Signing up as partner

You may become a CUBIC partner, if you/your company is a regular customer. You will then get access to valuable information about our products, which is not available to others. You/your company may become a partner by signing up on our website.

2.5 Download of documents

We do not gather any personal data, when you download documents from our partner website. Furthermore, we offer the opportunity for download of various material from If you download from this site, we gather your personal data in the form of name, email address and company name. We delete your personal data again, if you withdraw your consent, which can always be undertaken by contacting us by mail or telephone.

2.6 Entering into agreements

We merely do business with business owners/partners, but as we always enter into agreements with a specific contact person, we will typically handle a number of personal data of the person in question. We register the name, email, direct telephone number and mobile number of the contact person, so we can take direct contact. Sensitive personal data are never registered.

Besides, we sometimes register details about the interests of the contact person or the request of the person in question/the company for CUBIC’s products. This is merely entered to offer the best possible customer service.

2.7 Transactions of payments

At CUBIC we have a debtor register including name, address, phone number and email on all debtors. If the debtor is a company, it will typically be the company name and contact details, which are registered, but there may also be a contact person. All details are recorded in our financial system, and they are solely applied to settle the services agreed.

2.8 Participation in courses/training

CUBIC organises a number of courses/training arrangements for customers, who must register to sign up. The company handles all contact information on the participants of the arrangement in the form of their name, workplace and email address. This is required in order to handle the enrolments for the courses/training. The sign up lists are kept for 18 months, as the enrolment lists are required when we update the certificate of the customer in question.

If you participate in an arrangement, please note that in some cases we take pictures of the training session, and share them on our website and/or social media. The purpose is to brand the courses/training organised, and the company in general. If you do not wish to participate on the pictures, please advise us at the start of the session.

2.9 Use of CUBIC’s network

Network is established on all CUBIC locations. If the identity of the guests is known by the company, they may get a login to the guest network, and connect to the network, provided that the equipment does not disturb other systems.  The network can and may only be applied for internet access – direct access to internal systems is not allowed from the guest network. We log the units, which use the guest network.

3. Termination of customer and co-operation conditions and saving period

The Danish Data Protection Act does not include regulations of when personal data must be deleted. This should be decided by CUBIC as data responsible in the individual situation. It should especially be evaluated, if saving the personal data serves a factual purpose, or if we are obliged to keep specific information or documents according to the law.

CUBIC estimates that there is a factual reason for saving the personal data to document the history in relation to customer and co-operation relations, and the option of seeing the steps taken previously for you as a customer, or partner. The personal data used by us to administrate contractual terms will not be deleted according to our valid deletion policy, until the contractual terms have ceased. However, we always keep contracts and other agreements, or correspondence attached to the agreement entered, for 5 years after the customer/co-operation expiry. This measure is taken in order to comply with the saving demands of the Danish Bookkeeping Act, and to document the agreements entered.

Besides, we always keep all bookkeeping material for 5 years from expiry of the financial year, during which the accounting has been effected. This is requested to observe the storage demands of the Danish Bookkeeping Act. Neither, do we delete personal data, if it is necessary to determine or defend a legal claim, e.g. if there is a dispute due to outstanding debts between CUBIC and the customer/partner.

All other personal data are currently deleted, when we estimate that there is no longer grounds for handling them. Here we focus on the category of the personal data, the purpose of keeping the data, and your interest in having the information deleted. E.g. we remove the personal data given, when you sign up for our newsletter, if you choose to unsubscribe again.

4. Safety, transfer, or transmission of personal data

Your personal data are handled confidentially by CUBIC, and we have made a number of technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, forfeiture or deterioration, and to prevent them from being known by unauthorised persons, from being misused, or handled in incongruence with the Danish Data Protection Act.

CUBIC handles all data confidentially, and we do not pass them on to third party, unless there are special grounds. There might be specific cases, when we are instructed to pass on relevant personal data to our lawyer or auditor in relation to handling of legal disputes, or drawing up annual accounts.

5. Your rights

You have a number of rights in relation CUBIC, as we handle your personal data. You can learn more about this below, but you are also welcome to contact us, in the event that you have any questions.

We strive to respond to all inquiries as soon as possible, and at the latest within 30 days. If we do not meet your request according to the below items, you have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

5.1 Right to gain access to own personal data

You have the right to be informed which personal data we have on you. A request to gain access should be addressed to us, and there is no need for substantiation. In other words, you have the right to know which personal data are handled, the purpose of it, from where we acquired the information, how long it will be kept, and with whom it is shared, if any.

5.2 Right to correct erroneous personal data

In the event that CUBIC handles erroneous or misleading personal data on you, you have the right to ask us to correct the information. Upon receipt of such a request, we will decide, if the information should be corrected.

5.3 Right to deletion

In some cases we are obliged to delete your personal data. This is valid, if there is no longer a reasoned purpose to treat the personal data, if a consent is withdrawn, if the personal data have been handled illegally, or if they must be deleted to keep a legal obligation, and in some cases, if an objection is made to the handling. We have allowed for these rights in CUBIC’s deletion policies.

5.4 Right to take exception

You have the right to take exception to our handling of your personal data. If we receive an exception from you, we will evaluate, if we should restrict treatment of the personal data, until it has been verified, whether the legitimate interests prevail over the customer’s interests.

5.5 Data portability

In some cases you have the right to retrieve your personal data in an ordinary applied and machine readable format, so it may be applied for transmission to another data responsible. If technically possible, we can transmit the information direct to the new data responsible.

5.6 Revocation of consent

If you have given consent to us in order to handle your personal data, a revocation can always be made. We will then stop treating the information attached to the consent, if there is no other legal grounds to handle the personal data.

5.7 Complaint instructions for the Danish Data Protection Agency

If you take exception to our treatment of your personal data, we urge you to contact us. However, you always have the right to make a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency as for our handling and keeping of the personal data. The contact information of the Danish Data Protection Agency will appear from

Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small datafile that is saved on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful programs or viruses.

How/why the homepage uses cookies

Cookies are necessary for the homepage to function. Cookies help us get an overview of your visit to the homepage so that we can continually optimise and adjust the homepage to your requirements and interests. For example, cookies remember what you might have added to a shopping cart, if you have previously visited the page, if you are logged in and what languages and currency you want displayed on the homepage. We also use cookies to target our ads to you on other homepages. On a very general level, cookies are used as part of our services in order to show content that is as relevant as possible to you.

How long are cookies saved?

How long cookies are saved on your device can vary. The time when they are scheduled to expire is calculated from the last date you visited the homepage. When cookies expire, they are automatically deleted. You can view a complete list of cookies below.

This is how you can reject or delete your cookies

You can always reject cookies on your computer, tablet or phone by changing your browser settings. Where these settings can be found depends on the type of browser you are using. If you do change the settings, please be aware that there will be some functions and services that you cannot use because they rely on the homepage being able to remember the choices you have made.
You can choose to not receive cookies from Google Analytics here.

Deleting cookies

You can delete cookies that you have previously accepted. If you are using a PC with a recent version of a browser, you can delete your cookies by using these shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete.

If the shortcut keys do not work and/or you are using an Apple computer, you must find out what browser you are using and then click on the relevant link:


Remember: If you are using several different browsers, you must delete the cookies in all of them.

Do you have any questions?

Should you have any questions or comments in connection with this information and/or our processing of personal data, you are welcome to get in touch with us. The cookie declaration itself is updated every month via Cookie Information. If you have any questions regarding the Cookie Information, you can send an email to


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