Choosing switchboards from CUBIC is not just a simple choice between one enclosure system instead of another. You choose CUBIC, when you wish one of the most thoroughly tested systems in the market, and request certainty of the validity of the tests. At CUBIC, we have so much faith in our products that all tests on the Modular System are carried out by leading, independent and recognized test laboratories. Therefore, our assertions do not stand alone, which is your guarantee. You can learn more about our tests on this page.
Choosing switchboards from CUBIC is not just a simple choice between one enclosure system instead of another. You choose CUBIC, when you wish one of the most thoroughly tested systems in the market, and request certainty of the validity of the tests. At CUBIC, we have so much faith in our products that all tests on the Modular System are carried out by leading, independent and recognized test laboratories. Therefore, our assertions do not stand alone, which is your guarantee. You can learn more about our tests on this page.
When we say that the CUBIC Modular System is tested, we do not just refer to one test, we make hundreds of tests on the Modular System with a wide range of components from different suppliers. Together with the world’s major suppliers of electrical components, a selection of their components ranging from small MCB / MCCB’s up to the largest 6300A ACB are tested with the Modular System. Components are installed in complete assemblies fitted together with different kinds of busbars and connections and subject to all tests in IEC/EN 61439-1, -2 and -3.
Our test programme is developed to accompany our Modular System and all its advantages.
To ensure our partners and the end-user’s confidence, we use DEKRA as certified body for almost all our verifications and certifications.
On top of all the tests according to IEC 61439, the same system is vibration tested, earthquake tested, and tested and certified according to the American standards under UL. Therefore, it is possible to construct any type of switchboard for the American market.
By choosing CUBIC you get access to tested and verified enclosure solutions with the freedom to construct any type of switchboard. Tests are carried out for you with a minimum of documentation.
We know our Modular System and its performance, do you? If not, or if you wish to know more, do not hesitate to contact us or download our brochures to get more information.
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