As one of 18 case companies, CUBIC has participated in the second phase of Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark’s two-year “Supply Chain Resilience in an SME perspective”-project.
During the project, Global Master Planner at CUBIC, Lasse Rosing, has been involved in several meetings and conferences, and at the closing conference, he even gave a presentation on how vulnerabilities in the supply chain can be cultivated into strengths.
About participating in the project, Lasse states: “At CUBIC, we have always prioritized resilience in handling a vast portfolio of parts and delivering them swiftly to our customers. It’s ingrained in our modular system and mindset.
However, we’ve witnessed a changing reality with shifts in customers, supply chains, and markets. Despite challenges like pandemics, congestion, and geopolitical uncertainties, we expanded our regional reach.
Participating in the supply chain resilience project was therefore the perfect opportunity to explore cutting-edge methods and establish new best practices that ultimately will benefit our customers.”
The project has now been finalized, and the participation has led to new insights and ideas that in the coming period will be implemented to strengthen CUBIC’s supply chain and delivery capability for the benefit of our Partners.
All publications can be found on the project’s official website –
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